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Infrastructure Report

TYNDP 2024

1 Introduction

The ­ENTSOG ­TYNDP is a comprehensive strategic plan which, together with the selection process of Projects of Common Interest (PCI) and Projects of ­Mutual Interest (PMI), coordinated by the European Commission (EC), aims to ensure the development of a reliable, integrated, and efficient infrastructure for the transport of energy molecules across Europe. The Infrastructure Report, one of the main ­TYNDP documents, provides a ­detailed overview of the future network, starting from its current configuration.

Energy Transition Projects at the Foreground

­TYNDP 2024 reflects ongoing decarbonisation ­efforts and the European path to decrease its fossil fuel dependence. It underlines that gas infrastructure must be developed in accordance with the EU energy and climate policy objectives, recognising that a resilient and sustainable network can only be achieved by focusing on renewable and low-carbon gases.

In the 2020 TYNDP edition, ­ENTSOG introduced Energy Transition Projects (ETR) as a new infrastructure category. This category gained dimension in TYNDP 2022, expanding into Hydrogen, Biomethane, Retrofitted and Other infrastructure categories. The shift to hydrogen and other energy transition projects is even more pronounced in the 2024 TYNDP edition, which comprises 8 such types of infrastructure categories.

For instance, hydrogen projects are now structured into separate Transmission, ­Reception facility, Storage, Electrolyser and Mobility projects. This shows the growing trend for decarbonisation and on the integration of renewable energy sources within the EU’s energy system.

Another improvement brought by the 2024 ­TYNDP edition concerns energy system and project assessment: a hydrogen-electricity interlinkage was added to the existing natural gas and hydrogen modelling. Therefore, the interactions between the hydrogen, natural gas and electricity sectors are better ­captured.

Project Submission Process and Project Compliance

For TYNDP 2024, the project submission process took place between 23 November 2023 and 11 February 2024. Project data was uploaded through an online portal, adapted to cover particular aspects of pure hydrogen, renewable gas, natural gas or other type of gas infrastructure. ­ENTSOG provided a dedicated handbook1 to facilitate the data fill-in process.

In addition, as legally required by Annex III.2 (5) of the Regulation (EU) 2022/8692 (TEN-E Regulation), projects submitted to the ­TYNDP 2024 must comply with specific administrative and ­technical criteria for inclusion in the ­TYNDP.

These are defined in ­ENTSOG’s ­TYNDP 2024 Guidelines for Project Inclusion (GPI). ­ENTSOG consulted the GPI3 with the EC and ACER and took their inputs into consideration in the final version of this document.4

Projects submitted to ­TYNDP 2024 present different levels of maturity and their inclusion in the ­TYNDP does not make their development legally binding and should not be interpreted as an endorsement by ­ENTSOG or an EU body.