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Picture courtesy of Teréga

3 TYNDP 2024 Project ­collection ­process

In order to ensure the quality of the project collection and project assessment, ­ENTSOG, as in every ­TYNDP cycle, has made a substantial effort to improve the process by adjusting and upgrading its Project Data Portal and by focusing on better communication, as well as clearer instructions to the promoters, ensuring the best possible availability, consistency and quality of the ­collected project data.

For each TYNDP, ­ENTSOG gathers information on existing firm capacities directly from TSOs for transmission infrastructures and from Gas Infrastructure Europe (GIE) for LNG regasification ­terminals and storage facilities. For the TYNDP 2024, data on existing firm capacities were collected as of 1 ­January 2024.

To offer a comprehensive view of the European gas system over the next years, it is crucial to include all relevant infrastructure projects in the ­TYNDP. ­ENTSOG has conducted an open and transparent data collection process, actively encouraging project promoters to submit their projects. Recognising the submission of detailed project data as essential for infrastructure analysis, ­ENTSOG has provided a Project Data Portal accessible to all project promoters to facilitate this process.

Only projects that have been actively (re-)submitted by promoters through the Project Data Portal are included in the ­TYNDP 2024. This ensures transparency and non-discrimination between projects. Before the submission phase, ­ENTSOG offered support to project promoters by providing a documentation kit with a handbook on using the Project Data Portal and organised dedicated ­webinars.

To enhance transparency and accuracy of information and facilitate coordination among promoters, the ­ENTSOG Project Data Portal provides capacity monitoring interfaces. This allows project ­promoters to monitor their submissions actively through specific reports and check the final capacity value resulting from the application of the “lesser-­of-­rule”.1

By submitting projects, promoters commit to providing accurate and up-to-date information. In specific cases, ­ENTSOG has taken corrective actions in accordance with pre-defined rules. Each project is assigned a unique TYNDP code by the Project Data Portal upon first submission. This code remains consistent across future TYNDP updates, allowing the project’s progress to be tracked across different editions and during the PCI and PMI selection process. Promoters were also required to provide detailed implementation schedules and ­estimated costs.

1 The “lesser-of-rule” means that, on a Point with Entry and Exit capacities, the minimum of the two values will be considered as the firm capacity available for use. Example: Promoter A submits an Exit capacity on Point P in the value of 100. Promoter B submits an Entry capacity on the other side of the Point P, in the value of 200. After the application of the rule, the firm capacity considered for modelling will be 100.

IR figure 001

Figure 1: Phases and timeline of the TYNDP 2024 Project Collection.

As presented in Figure 1, for ­TYNDP 2024 the initial project submission phase occurred from 23 ­November 2023 to 22 December 2023. This was followed by a verification and correction phase from 23 December 2023 to 11 February 2024, allowing both ­ENTSOG and promoters to review and amend the submitted data. To ensure data consistency, ­ENTSOG collaborated with ACER and National ­Regulatory Authorities (NRAs) after the initial data collection, informing promoters of any comments received and allowing them to update their submissions if necessary. This information was also shared with the EC.

Within 3 months after the close of the check and validation phases, ­ENTSOG published on its website the list of projects accepted for inclusion in the TYNDP. In advance of the TYNDP 2024 project list’s publication, ­ENTSOG informed the relevant promoters about any non-inclusion of their project(s) in the TYNDP 2024 and provided the relevant justification for the non-inclusion. It should be noted that no promoter appealed against any decision for project non-inclusion.