Picture courtesy of Gas Connect Austria
Differences between TYNDP and Transparency platform data
Regulation (EU) no. 2024/1789 and its amendments require ENTSOG to provide a Union-wide central platform where all Transmission System Operators for gas shall make their relevant data publicly available.
The Transparency Platform provides technical and commercial data on gas transmission systems on a daily and hourly basis, which include interconnection points and connections with storages, LNG facilities, distribution networks, final consumers and production facilities.
The platform is available online. Interested parties are able to access valuable information uploaded by all TSOs.
Firm technical capacity data collected and used for the TYNDP might differ from the capacity data published on the ENTSOG Transparency Platform for the main following reasons:
- Though the modelling mostly uses the ENTSOG Transparency Platform topology, in some cases the topology used in the TYNDP differs from the latter. This is to better serve simulations purposes;
- Both existing capacity and project capacities are not constantly updated during the TYNDP process but have a specific time stamp (1 January 2024 for existing infrastructure while for projects the closure day of the data collection);
- Capacities are modelled in the TYNDP after the application of the Lesser-of-Rule.