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8 Promoters’ submissions for smart gas grid and other projects to ­TYNDP 2024

While Energy Transition projects were first included in ­TYNDP 2020, in ­TYNDP 2024 there is a further division replacing the ETR projects into hydrogen, smart gas grid and others.

In order to present more precise information in these evolving subcategories, ­ENTSOG provides a separate analysis of these subcategories in this chapter. This analysis includes only RET, BIO, SYN, CO2 and OTH investments. 29 projects have been included in ­TYNDP 2024 and are falling under the five mentioned subcategories.

It should be noted that, as for electrolyser projects (see section 6.5), the TEN-E Regulation does not require CO2 and smart gas grid projects to be part of the ­TYNDP in order to be eligible for PCI or PMI status.

Map for smart gas grid and others projects IN TYNDP 2024

Figure 50: Map for smart gas grid and others projects in TYNDP 2024.

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Figure 50: List of smart gas grid and others projects in TYNDP 2024.

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8.1 Smart gas grid projects

For ­TYNDP 2024, promoters submitted 13 smart gas grid projects. More specifically, five BIO, one SYN and seven RET projects.

  • Three BIO projects enabling the reverse transportation between DSO and TSO of biomethane and two network development projects enabling biomethane production/injection into the gas grid;
  • Six RET projects regarding Retrofitting of existing gas pipelines and other network related assets for (bio-)methane-hydrogen blending and one investment regarding retrofitting of existing storages for H2 blending.

8.2 Other projects

For ­TYNDP 2024, promoters submitted 16 projects in the Others category. More specifically, 12 OTH investments and four CO2 investments.

  • Four OTH dedicated projects to reduce methane emissions in existing infrastructure, two projects enabling gas/electricity integration, four projects enabling the production, reception, injection, transportation or end-use ­supply of hydrogen and two projects dedicated to the conversion of natural gas network for CO2 transport or storage.

8.3 Further details on the ­TYNDP 2024 promoters’ submissions for RET, BIO, SYN, CO2 and OTH projects

Following the same structure as Chapter 6 and 7, this section provides more details on the investments under category RET, BIO, SYN, CO2 and OTH submitted to ­TYNDP 2024. The high level of investments should be considered in the context of the background described in section 6.4.

29 projects were submitted in total under these subcategories. Figure 51 provides the overview for this submission, compared to the previous ­TYNDP editions, emphasising the comparison for the above-mentioned subcategories.

IR figure 052

Figure 51: Comparison between TYNDP 2020, TYNDP 2022 and TYNDP 2024 – Smart gas grid and Other categories.

From Figure 52, the main points are:

  • Four new OTH projects and one new RET project were submitted to TYNDP 2024;
  • Three OTH projects were completed between the ­TYNDP 2022 and ­TYNDP 2024.

In addition:

  • One RET project was resubmitted in another category.1
  • One TRA project was resubmitted as BIO project.2
  • One OTH project was resubmitted as SYN project, one OTH project was resubmitted as H2E project and four OTH projects were resubmitted as CO2 project.3

1 Project RET-A-425 submitted as hydrogen storage (H2S-N-425).
2 Project TRA-F-1254 submitted as OTH (OTH-F-1254).
3 OTH-A-305 submitted as SYN-N-305, OTH-N-1230 submitted as H2E-A-1230 and OTH-N-456, OTH-N-551, OTH-N-554, OTH-N-1157 submitted as CO2.

8.3.1 Overview per type and status

From the total of 326 projects included in ­TYNDP 2024, 29 Smart gas grid and Other projects have been submitted for the subcategories RET, BIO, SYN, CO2 and OTH (9 %). These subcategories constituted 17 % of the total number of submitted projects in ­TYNDP 2022. This slight decrease is mainly due to the further splitting of the ETR categories and a more precise definition of the hydrogen categories, which gave promoters the opportunity to submit their projects accordingly.

The following figures and tables provide a statistical overview of promoters’ submissions (see ­TYNDP 2024 Annex A for further details) based on information such as the type of infrastructure or the FID/PCI status. Those reports reflect all the details entered as part of the data collection process by project promoters.

Figure 52 presents an overview of all the projects accepted for inclusion in ­TYNDP 2024 per type of infrastructure for subcategories RET, BIO, SYN, CO2 and OTH.

Figure 53 shows the submissions sorted by the maturity status. The majority of projects are Less-Advanced (69 %), six projects have the Advanced status, while only three out of the 29 projects acquired the FID status.

Due to the information collected, it has been possible to identify projects submitted for ­TYNDP 2022 that were not active anymore but for which promoters had missed to previously report the information to ­ENTSOG or that were deleted or not resubmitted (see Table 10).

IR figure 053

Figure 52: Project inclusion in ­TYNDP 2024 per subcategory. The inner circle represents absolute numbers of investments; the outer circle represents the share of each subcategory.

Figure 53: Projects by maturity status – BIO, CO₂, OTH, RET and SYN.

StatusBIOOTHRETGrand Total
In Progress437
Not resubmitted612523
Grand Total11391363

Table 10: Number of projects for OTH, RET and BIO from ­TYNDP 2022 completed, planned, in progress, not ­resubmitted and cancelled.

The following table provides an overview of all cancelled and not resubmitted projects.

Project codeProject nameStatus
OTH-A-300HyOffWind ZeebruggeCancelled
OTH-A-898CNG filling station system development (CroBlueCorr project)Cancelled
OTH-A-924Power to Methanol AntwerpCancelled
OTH-N-453Hydrogen production for fuel gas at Városföld CSCancelled
OTH-N-929Ghent Carbon HubCancelled
OTH-N-972Methane emission reduction booster compressor at Mosonmagyaróvár CSCancelled
OTH-N-982Portable compressor to reduce methane emissionCancelled
OTH-N-1069Methane emission reduction booster compressor at Városföld CSCancelled
OTH-N-1070Methane emission reduction at 7 compressor stationCancelled
OTH-N-1071Hydrogen production for fuelgas at Mosonmagyaróvár CSCancelled
RET-N-1113Replacement of chromatographsCancelled
RET-N-1135Retrofitting pipelinesCancelled
RET-N-1081Cross border gas transmission system retrofitting for hydrogenNot resubmitted
BIO-F-437Supercritical water gasification demonstration facility AlkmaarNot resubmitted
OTH-A-430PorthosNot resubmitted
BIO-A-921Circular economy: waste to biomethaneNot resubmitted
RET-A-1003Power recovery with a turboexpander in Kardoskut Underground Gas StorageNot resubmitted
OTH-A-1043Power conversion with fuel cell in Kardoskút Underground Gas StorageNot resubmitted
RET-A-1044Upgrade of compressor control system of TH-W compressor units for HydrogenNot resubmitted
OTH-A-1046Replacement of boilers in Zsana and Hajduszoboszlo Underground Gas storagesNot resubmitted
OTH-A-1073Sector-coupling with installing and relocating compressor unitsNot resubmitted
OTH-A-1104Synthetic methane production in Zsana UGS with electricity balancingNot resubmitted
BIO-A-1107Energy conversion of waste organic materials to biomethane in ZsanaNot resubmitted
OTH-A-1110Reduction of methane emission with portable compressorNot resubmitted
OTH-A-1337Reduction of methane emissions in UGS LabNot resubmitted
BIO-N-20GNI Sustainable Renewable Gas Central Grid Injection ProjectNot resubmitted
BIO-N-125Implementation of smart solutions for injection of renewable gasesNot resubmitted
BIO-N-287Production of biomethane as a fuel for compressorsNot resubmitted
OTH-N-306Greening of Gas (GoG)Not resubmitted
RET-N-483L2DG (LNG to Decarbonised Gas)Not resubmitted
OTH-N-560Establishing a power plant capable to use max. 25 % hydrogen at Szőreg-1 UGSNot resubmitted
OTH-N-604P2G4A.Not resubmitted
RET-N-916Blending readiness of the transmission systemNot resubmitted
OTH-N-993LNG Hub: 2nd jetty for maritime fuelNot resubmitted
OTH-N-1338Hydrogen production for fuelgas at Szőreg-1 UGSNot resubmitted

Table 11: Cancelled and not resubmitted projects for OTH, RET and BIO from ­TYNDP 2022.

For a better analysis, a comparison of the maturity level between the ­TYNDP 2022 and the ­TYNDP 2024 submission is presented in Figure 54.

For this ­TYNDP, a majority of smart gas grid and other projects has the Less-Advanced status. In the previous ­TYNDP, the highest number of projects were also recorded with the Less-Advanced status. For FID, a slight reduction can be seen, while the number of Advanced smart gas grid and other projects reduced as well. In the context of this ­TYNDP, projects with commissioning expected at the ­latest by 31 December 2029 and either in permitting phase or FEED phase, obtained the Advanced ­status.

In ­TYNDP 2024, three projects have the FID status:

  • Two were Less-Advanced in ­TYNDP 2022;
  • One was already FID.

More details on the maturity status for these subcategories can be found in Chapter 4.

IR figure 055

Figure 54: Comparison of submissions in ­TYNDP 2024 and ­TYNDP 2022 per status – only OTH, RET and BIO in ­TYNDP 2022 and SYN, RET, BIO, CO2 & OTH in ­TYNDP 2024.

8.3.2 Overview of promoters’ submissions per geographical location

The following charts provide an overview of promoters’ submissions based on their geographical location, (sub)category and maturity status for the five subcategories RET, BIO, SYN, CO2 and OTH.

In ­TYNDP 2024, for 14 countries (BE, BG, DE, DK, ES, FR, GR, HR, IE, IT, NL, PT, SI, SK) were submitted in total 29 projects concerning smart gas grid and other categories.

IR figure 056

Figure 55: TYNDP perimeter countries for which RET, BIO, SYN, CO2 and OTH projects were submitted in ­TYNDP 2024.

Figure 56 presents the number of projects per country for the five subcategories. France and Croatia are the countries with the highest number of projects (10 each).

In Figure 57 the five subcategories are sorted by their maturity status. 20 out of the 29 projects are Less-Advanced.

IR figure 057

Figure 56: Number of projects per country and subcategory – BIO, CO2, OTH, RET and SYN.

IR figure 058

Figure 57: Number of smart gas grids and other projects per country and project maturity status.

8.3.3 Analysis of project schedule

Figure 58 shows the distribution of projects included in ­TYNDP 2024 according to the expected (first) commissioning year, in Figure 59 also in an aggregated way. The majority of projects falling under the smart gas grid and other subcategories is planned to be commissioned within the next 6 years (21 out of the 29 or 72 %), while the last commissioning year is 2040.

All of the projects having FID or Advanced status are expected to be commissioned by 2030.

Additionally, several years are not displayed in the following graphs, indicating that there are no projects to be commissioned during those periods.

IR figure 059

Figure 58: Projects by commissioning year and by project maturity status – BIO, CO₂, OTH, RET and SYN.

IR figure 060

Figure 59: Projects by commissioning year (cumulative) and by project maturity status – BIO, CO₂, OTH, RET and SYN.

Feasibility, FEED, Permitting, FID, Construction and Commissioning

The Feasibility Study phase, the start and end dates, either past or expected, have been provided for 20 projects. The average duration of the Feasibility Study phase for these projects is 10 months with the highest average duration in case of CO2 projects (19 months) and the lowest average duration for SYN project (1 month).

In addition, 6 projects have indicated the completion of the feasibility study until the end of ­TYNDP 2024 project collection period, while eight projects have started the feasibility before the end of the project collection period, with expected finalisation date until the end of 2024. The rest are expected to finalise the feasibility study until December 2029.

Regarding the FEED phase, the start and end dates, either past or expected, have been provided for 28 projects. The average duration of the FEED phase for smart gas grid and other projects is 23 months with the highest average duration in case of BIO projects (63 months) and the lowest average duration in case of SYN projects (1 month).

One project has indicated the finalisation of FEED phase until the end of ­TYNDP 2024 project collection period. In addition, six projects have started FEED phase before the end of the project collection period but are still ongoing with the latest finalisation date in December 2032.

The remaining 21 projects have started the FEED phase within 2024, while the latest end of the FEED phase is December 2037.

In case of the Permitting phase, the start and end dates, either past or expected, have been provided for 28 projects. The average duration of the permitting phase for these projects is 25 months, with the highest average duration for BIO (56 months) and the lowest average duration in case of SYN projects (14 months).

More specifically, two projects have completed the permitting phase until end of the project collection period. Two projects have started permitting phase before the end of the project collection period but are still ongoing with the latest finalisation date in December 2029, while the remaining 24 projects will start their permitting process after the beginning of 2024 with the latest finalisation date in December 2038.

The FID date, either past or expected, has been provided for all of the smart gas grid and other projects. Five projects have obtained the FID until the end of the project collection period4. The graph below shows the distribution of projects per FID date. The average FID date is 3 January 2026 (see Figure 60).

4 Even though three projects have officially the FID status in ­TYNDP 2024, two more projects are supposed to receive it by the end of 2023 and thus, were included in the analysis.

IR figure 061

Figure 60: Cumulative distribution of projects per FID date – BIO, CO₂, OTH, RET and SYN.

Regarding the Construction phase, the start and end dates, either past or expected, have been provided for 28 projects. The average duration of the Construction phase for these projects is 33 months, with the highest average duration in case of BIO projects (69 months) and the lowest average duration in case of CO2 and SYN projects (21 months).

Two projects have started their construction prior the end of the ­TYNDP 2024 project collection period. The remaining 26 projects have foreseen the start of the construction after the beginning of 2024 with latest end date in December 2039.

Figure 61 below provides all the information for the different phases described above.

IR figure 062

Figure 61: Average duration of Feasibility, FEED, Permitting and Construction phases – BIO, CO₂, OTH, RET and SYN.

The Commissioning year has been provided for all smart gas grid and other projects in ­TYNDP 2024. The average Commissioning year for these projects is 2029 with 20 Smart gas grid and Other projects expected to be commissioned by the end of 2030 (see Figure 62).

IR figure 063

Figure 62: Distribution of projects per end commissioning year – BIO, CO₂, OTH, RET and SYN.

in ­TYNDP 2024
in TYNDP 2024
in TYNDP 2024
Less Advanced
in TYNDP 2024
Cancelled/Not resub­mitted
in TYNDP 2024
FID (TYNDP 2022) 201014
Advanced (TYNDP 2022) 00111517
Less-Advanced (TYNDP 2022)123162042

Figure 12: Evolution of projects from ­TYNDP 2022 to ­TYNDP 2024 (Smart Gas Grid and Other category).

Of the four Smart Gas Grid and Other projects submitted already having the FID status in ­TYNDP 2022:

  • Two projects were completed (OTH-F-541 and OTH-F-632);
  • One still in progress but no FID (OTH-F-743);
  • One was not resubmitted (BIO-F-437).

Of the 17 Smart Gas Grid and Other projects submitted already having the Advanced status in ­TYNDP 2022:

  • One still has the Advanced status (OTH-A-1269);
  • One moved from Advanced to Less-Advanced due to delay or rescheduling and submitted under a different infrastructure type (RET-A-425 became H2S);
  • 15 were cancelled or not resubmitted by the promoter.

Of the 42 Smart Gas Grid and Other projects submitted already having the Less-Advanced status in ­TYNDP 2022:

  • One was completed between TYNDP 2022 and TYNDP 2024;
  • Two got the FID after the ­TYNDP 2022 project collection (BIO-N-497 and BIO-N-624);
  • Three moved from Less-Advanced to Advan­ced, however investment OTH-N-1230 submitted as H2E;
  • 12 are still planned and four are in progress while still maintained the Less-Advanced status;
  • 20 were cancelled/not-resubmitted.

Finally, only eight Smart Gas Grid and Other projects stated their ­scheduled status:

  • 3 investments are delayed;
  • 5 investments are on time.

8.3.4 Investment costs

Investment costs are for project promoters in many cases commercially sensitive information and might have the potential to negatively affect the competitive position of project promoters vis-à-vis contractors.

As part of the transparency process adopted, ­ENTSOG has collected information from promoters on indicative investment costs for all submitted projects.

In line with the TYNDP 2024 GPI, the cost data submitted by the project promoters for the projects to be included in the ­TYNDP is made public by ­ENTSOG unless the data is deemed confidential by the respective project promoters.

Smart gas grid and Other category represent almost 3 % of the total ­TYNDP 2024 investments in terms of cost. The highest share of costs is represented in the less-advanced status (61 %) while the share of less advanced projects for all the Smart gas grid and Other projects is around 70 % (see Figure 63).

As seen in Figure 64, OTH projects (41 % of the total number of projects in this category cover the highest share of the Smart gas grid and Other projects project costs (63 %). It should be noted that CO2 (4 projects) and SYN (1 project) are not included due to confidentiality reasons. The rest of the subcategories were submitted as aggregated data.

In addition, almost half of the total capital expenditures for Smart gas grid and Other projects will take place until 2030 (78 %), with a peak in 2030 of more than 5 billion euros (see Figure 65).

IR figure 064

Figure 63: Overview of total capital expenditures by ­project maturity status – BIO, CO₂, OTH, RET and SYN.

IR figure 065

Figure 64: Overview of total capital expenditure by subcategory – BIO, OTH, RET.

In addition, several years are not displayed in the Figure 66, indicating that no cost values were recorded for those periods.

IR figure 066

Figure 65: Overview of total capital expenditures by last commissioning year and project maturity status – BIO, CO₂, OTH, RET and SYN.

8.3.5 TYNDP 2024 submissions and national development plans

Table 13 below presents the number of projects per country that are included or not in the respective NDP. 15 Smart gas grid and Other projects were included in the relevant NDPs. The country with the most projects included in its NDP is Slovakia.

Out of the total number of projects that were listed under the Smart gas grid and Other category, 15 (51 %) were included in the NDP. The subcategory with the highest number of included projects was OTH (6), followed by RET (5), BIO (3) and CO2 (1).

Country Part of NDPNOT Part of NDPCountry Part of NDP NOT Part of NDP

Table 13: Overview of projects being part or not of NDPs by country – BIO, CO₂, OTH, RET and SYN.

Only for six projects reasons for non-inclusion were provided by the respective promoters:

  • Either the development of the NDP is ongoing or the project is partly included in the NDP.

More details can be found in the relevant sheet in the ­TYNDP 2024 Annex A.